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Scanning Negatives

Digital Archive Creation


More and more, ways are being sought to digitally reproduce the images, in a reliable way, since the deterioration of the paper constitutes a very serious problem. The function of any digital file is the management, availability and preservation of photographic documentation. Whether it is a personal archive, of a company or a public entity, we ensure the reliable preservation of any photographic heritage.

Medium Resolution Scanning Service - 3360 x 2240

Negative Scan for CD

Negative Scan for CD

Negative Scan for CD

Negative Scan for CD

CD/DVD Minimum Burn Rate

Digitalização de negativo

Taxa mínima de gravação em CD/DVD/PenDrive

1 unid. 

+ de 10 unid.

2,50 €

1,00 €

3,00 €

3,00 €

+ de 50 unid.

+ de 100 unid.

0,80 €

0,60 €

3,00 €

3,00 €

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