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I - Copyright

- Domain is a website with a registered domain and, therefore, protected in all countries in the world, as a result of international domain registration rules.

- Author and Ownership

  1. is a website authored and owned by Mário Mendes.

  2. is registered and under the administration of the same author and owner.

  3. is a predominantly free website.

  4. The “Webmaster” can limit access to any section or files, by assigning a password to users, and it is also up to the user to decide whether or not this access is free.


- Intellectual Property of published articles

  1. All texts, articles, studies, photographs, illustrations, databases, compilations and other elements contained on this website are protected by law under the Code of Copyright and Related Rights.

  2. All texts, articles, studies, photographs, illustrations, databases, compilations and other elements contained on this website without any special mention are the intellectual property of Mário Mendes.

  3. All texts, articles, studies, photographs, illustrations, databases, compilations and other elements contained on this website signed with express reference from their authors or subscribers remain their intellectual property, except when there is an express transfer of copyright to MENDESFOTO.

  4. Consequently, all signed articles and studies are the responsibility of their respective authors, and the Administrator of is not responsible for their content.


- Reproduction rights

  1. The copying, reproduction, dissemination and full publication of texts, articles, studies, photographs, illustrations, databases, compilations and other elements contained on this website is expressly prohibited, without express and prior authorization from the website Administrator and/or its authors if the intellectual property rules mentioned above apply, with the exception of the right of quotation mentioned below.

  2. Citation on websites, specialized magazines or in media outlets of excerpts from articles and studies published on the website and authored by the Administrator is permitted.

  3. In all cases above, the source must be expressly cited, namely: MENDESFOTO - Mário Mendes, photographer Author -

  4. MENDESFOTO and/or Mário Mendes reserves the right to take legal action against offenders.


II- Privacy Policy

  1. The data collected by is intended for administrative, statistical and future presentation/disclosure processing of products and services sold by MENDESFOTO and partners.

  2. MENDESFOTO does not collect personal information through automatic processes, except for filling out forms on the website, with the holders of personal data fully aware of the destination and use of the same.

  3. Under Portuguese law, the holder has the right to access, update, rectify or erase all or part of their personal data, simply by requesting this from MENDESFOTO.

  4. This privacy policy may be changed without prior notice.

  5. For further clarification, please contact

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